I find this chunkier variety to be a bit more filling than your average instant sludge. I skip my usual almond or soy milk and use water to cut back on calories and sugar (ugh). It boring, though, so I experiment with a tablespoon of almond butter to add protein, plus my usual teaspoon or two of ground flaxseed (it adds a bit of nuttiness, and helps me poop).
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Osuna spoke through a team translator on Saturday before Toronto second game of a three game series in Kansas City. He wasn available to play the previous night despite the Blue Jays holding a 4 1 lead heading into the bottom of the ninth. The Royals scored three runs against Toronto relievers Ryan Tepera, Aaron Loup and Jason Grilli to rally for the win..
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Avoiding Medicare CutsMcConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan promise they won allow the tax cut bill to trigger automatic spending cuts in Medicare. The tax cut measure also would end Obamacare requirement that most Americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty. House Democrats are threatening to vote to allow the Medicare cuts unless Republicans reinstate the Obamacare coverage requirement.
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