Complete tracking of postal items to abroad shall be available

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If you are unsure and have a question about the size or appearance of an item, contact us and we will gladly take additional measurements and answer any detailed questions you may have.

Please notify us within two days of receiving your garment if you feel it has been GROSSLY misrepresented. If you do not notify us within two days we will not be able to issue you a store credit.

Damage is considered something that replica handbags china requires repair, not something that will be remedied by washing, dry cleaning, or simple spot removal.

Please keep in mind that vintage items Handbags Replica are used and should not be expected to be in never worn condition.

No warranty is expressed or implied regarding the usefulness or durability of any item.

Due to the unique nature of vintage clothing, there might be minor imperfections. Although we best replica handbags do our best to note any major flaw that we find aaa replica designer handbags we may miss trivial ones or ones that are characteristic of garments of a particular age and era.

In the case of Replica Designer Handbags an approved return for shop credit shipment costs will be the buyer responsibility both ways.

The return shipment ( at the buyers expense) must be made via a method of shipping that includes a tracking number and signature upon receipt.

The garment will be expected to be in the exact same condition that it was in when it shipped out so if you have: modified it, altered it, stained it, tore it, separated the zipper because it was wholesale replica designer handbags too Replica Bags small when you Designer Replica Bags tried to zip it up, wore it (we can tell when things come back smelling of perfume, soap,laundry or smoke that they have been worn), the shop credit will not be issued, the garment Replica Handbags will be sent back to you and you will be billed for the cost of the return shipment.

We ship everywhere, and each listing has it own shipping price according to size/weight.

Shipments via Registered Mail take about 7 12working days to reach the US

5 10 working days for European countries,12 14working days for Oceania.

Sometimes it takes more because US has implemented more security Wholesale Replica Bags and restrictions on incoming packages at the moment and things Fake Designer Bags from overseas are taking high quality replica handbags much longer to get through the US system once they hit it.

Currently, electronic tracking of postal items towards abroad, is available only to the Exchange Post Office. Complete tracking of postal items to abroad shall be available very soon, after the “Track and Trace” Designer Fake Bags and “IPS (International Postal System)” are linked.

Please note that there is a possible delay of one KnockOff Handbags week due to customs random Fake Handbags check, purse replica handbags so We will mark the item as a gift so you dont replica Purse need unnecessary waiting or additional charges.

We ship Replica Bags Wholesale everywhere, and each listing has it own shipping price according to size/weight.

Shipments via Registered Mail take about 7 12working days to reach the US

5 10 working days for European countries,12 14working days for Oceania.

Sometimes it takes more because US has implemented more security and restrictions on incoming packages at the moment and things from overseas are taking much longer to get through the US system once they hit it.

Currently, electronic tracking of postal items towards abroad, is available only to the Exchange Post Office. Complete tracking of postal items to abroad shall replica handbags online be available very cheap replica handbags soon, after the “Track and Trace” and “IPS (International Postal System)” are linked.

Please note that there is a possible delay of one week due to customs random check, so We will mark the item as a gift so you dont need unnecessary waiting or additional charges.

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