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{If there is a substantial issue with your item we can look at the option to return, partially refund or exchange your item. Please message us prior to returning an item so we can proceed accordingly.}

Please remember that our items are vintage and often have slight flaws from age.

>To avoid this process please message us with any questions you have prior to replica Purse purchasing Replica Handbags the item as this Replica Designer Handbags may save an item being returned. Orders are shipped out on Thursdays with our private courier:

{Tracking with our courier is provided immediately but will only update after the parcel clears customs at the border and is registered with USPS.}

We can ship with Canada Post if Designer Fake Bags requested (though the cost is higher):

{Regular mail sent with Canada Post untracked option takes 14 business days on average. Tracked mail takes 3 7 business days. All depending on customs delays.} Regular Mail without Wholesale Replica Bags tracking (15 45 business days)

We do our best replica handbags online to meet these shipping estimates, but can guarantee them due to potential customs delays. Actual delivery time will depend on the Fake Designer Bags shipping method you choose and any customs delays which may occur.

We are not responsible Fake Handbags for delays Replica Bags Wholesale due to customs. Orders are shipped out on Thursdays with our private courier:

{Tracking with our courier is provided immediately but will only update after the parcel clears customs at the border and is registered with USPS.}

We can ship with Canada Post if requested (though the cost is higher):

{Regular mail sent with Canada Post untracked option takes 14 business days on average. Tracked mail takes 3 7 business days. All depending on customs delays.} Handbags Replica Regular Mail without tracking (15 45 High quality Replica Bags business days).

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