Olivia Kim Loves Airport T-Shirts, Hates Wedge Sneakers
facebook dialogPinterestOlivia Kim.Olivia Kim knows a thing or two about mixing personal replica handbags online style Replica Bags quirks with high-fashion trends. A former vice president of creative at Opening Ceremony, the New aaa replica designer handbags Yorker-turned-Seattleite is now lending her expert eye Designer Fake Bags to Nordstrom, where she serves as the director Fake Designer Bags of creative projects and curates Wholesale Replica Bags “Pop-In @ Nordstrom,” an ever-changing series of themed pop-up shops in replica handbags china select stores and online. Her most recent of these, appropriately titled “Surf City,” replica Purse opens today with a fresh high quality replica handbags mix of goods—think neoprene Lisa Marie Fernandez bikinis, gauzy Lemlem cover-ups, and t-shirts from California surf wholesale replica designer handbags institution Mollusk—for beach babes and surfer dudes alike.Here, she fills us in on her go-to pieces, latest purchases, and summer must-haves.Define your style in three words:Schizophrenic. Casual. Fun.Daily uniform:Simple button-down shirt. Outrageous skirt. Socks. Replica Bags Wholesale Oxfords or sneakers. Watch.Greatest hits:A Haile Selassie t-shirt I bought at the airport in Kingston, Jamaica. Anything Junya Watanabe. A Supreme x Playboy varsity jacket my boyfriend gave to me on one of our first this-is-not-a-date dates. White-on-white cheap replica handbags with white soles Doc Martens. Bamford x Nordstrom all blacked out submariner [watch].Preferred purse replica handbags footwear:Comfortable, flat and cute.Finishing https://www.handbagsmerchant.com touches:2 squirts of Kyoto by Comme des Garçons.Nighttime look:Same as my daytime look. Maybe just change my shoes. Maybe not. LOL.Best recent discovery:The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek, Denmark. Best cafeteria I’ve seen and eaten.Favorite stores:Tokyo Hands (Tokyo), Nilufur (Milan), Scout (Los Angeles), Dover Street Market (New York), The Palm Room (Seattle), OFR (Paris), Labour and Wait (London).Style pet peeve:Too much makeup. Wedge sneakers.Style icons:Cindy Mancini in “Can’t Buy Me Love.” She wins my Replica Designer Handbags best-dressed award!Last purchase:A coffee from Starbucks.Lusting Handbags Replica after:A baby French bulldog brother for Secret Spy (my French bulldog).Favorite haunts:The Odeon (New York) for Negronis, Bob’s Kitchen (Paris) for maki related site https://www.handbagsmerchant.com KnockOff Handbags rolls, Canlis (Seattle) for French fries, Burrito Revolution (Sayulita).Spring must-haves:White tees, white Designer Replica Bags jeans and white shoes.What's always in your bag:A small snack. I’m always hungry.XPhotos: Olivia Kim Loves Airport T-Shirts, Replica Handbags Hates Wedge SneakersSlide 1 of 10FBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestFBSharePinterestPreviousNext1/10ToggleOlivia Kim. Fake Handbags Photo courtesy of Joe Schildhorn/BFAnyc.com.Full Screen.