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The colors provided by the Meizu Pro 6 are good, but not perfect, just like it was with the Pro 5. The two displays are tuned slightly differently as the average DeltaE of the Pro 6 is slightly lower at 5.3 (for the primaries, plus black and white), but the max DeltaE is higher at 10.2. What it means Replica Bags Wholesale is the Pro 6 screen is well calibrated (Avg DeltaE of 5.3, anything below 4 is considered perfectly calibrated), but the white color (DeltaE of 10.2) is way off, which explains the less than perfect score..
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Grease your aebleskiver pan with a spray dispenser or with butter. (Spray your pan again as needed or put a dab of butter in each cavity occasionally.) Heat the pan over medium heat. When hot, fill each cup one third full with batter.
Legally possessing cannabis in the passenger compartment of a vehicle (including the glove box) varies from locality to locality. As we recently discussed, Anchorage, for example, requires a sealed, tamper evident container, or keeping an unsealed container far away from the driver or in a trunk. But state law doesn’t yet specify laws for marijuana open containers..
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Excluding these effects, GOL’s total CASK in the third quarter of 2017 was flat versus the third quarter of 2016. As a consequence, our recurring EBITDA increased to BRL463 million in 3Q17 with a margin of 17%, an improvement of BRL143 million compared to the third quarter of 2016. The EBITDA per available seat kilometer increased to 3.82 cents of real in this period 2017..
Perkins was on methadone for a long time after the bear attack to try to hold back the pain morphine couldn’t stop. Withdrawal from the methadone, he said, might have been the worst part of his long and continuing ordeal. Withdrawal left him either freezing or sweating.