other executives urge Texas not to pass anti
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The end goal of a trans person is to canada goose outlet shop have society recognize them as the other binary gender, not canada goose uk shop to be looked down to as some kind of freak. The day that a person canadian goose jacket identifies as transgender, they realize that they don look like canada goose uk black friday the gender that they want society to view them as. They Canada Goose Jackets know full well that it be super awkward canada goose outlet new york city to look like a guy and go to the ladies room, and that why they canada goose coats on sale don do it. canada Canada Goose Online goose factory outlet Conversely, once canada goose black friday sale they look like the other gender, they go to that bathroom uk canada goose because it be super awkward to canada goose uk outlet do anything else. A guy walking in the ladies canada goose outlet canada room is awkward, regardless of whether they were born looking like a guy or like a girl.
With a bathroom canada goose clearance bill, assuming that the trans community followed through, people who transitioned would start going to non intuitive bathrooms.
As I understand it, the Canada Goose Outlet entire point of bathroom laws is to people from having creeps of the other gender stare at you in goose outlet canada the bathroom. Giving the previous fact, the bill is self defeating. I really don care either way.
My issue with this is Texas has a democratically elected state legislature. canada goose outlet The people of Texas are being represented and if they voted for these people who want this bill thats their option. Tim Cook is not a resident of Texas and is the CEO of a company based in canada goose outlet uk sale California.
Why should his, and other CEOs, opinion matter to the state canada goose outlet Canada Goose Parka store legislature of Texas. This canada goose outlet sale is why we have 50 individually governed states. That way people can control the laws in their own states. Tim Cook really should have no say unless he lives there or Apple is based there. If Canada Goose sale this was a California law it would be canada goose outlet nyc different. (All the while ignoring, by the way, that corporations are made up of people.) A prime example of exactly canada goose black friday sale that happening is canada goose outlet reviews buy canada goose jacket cheap net neutrality. There are many other examples, but NN happens to be in the spotlight right now so I picked it. canada goose clearance sale If you think only buy canada goose jacket the people are ever listened to, you just flat out wrong. If you think only canada goose outlet black friday the people canada goose outlet in usa should be listened to, you still wrong. As would anyone else who canada goose outlet jackets ever had a friend or family member (or anyone with any sense of decency) that was assaulted because they canadagoosetomall couldn use the bathroom appropriate for them, because some old white man decided that, just because somebody had a penis under their panties when they were born but doesn canada goose outlet canada goose online any canada uk canada goose outlet goose outlet toronto factory more, they still male and must still use men restrooms. Or canada goose store a man whose had canada goose coats the cops called on him because he was in the ladies room, not allowed to use the fucking men room Canada Goose Coats On Sale just because he has a shallow vagina official canada goose outlet behind his engorged clit.
Not having an opinion doesn recluse you from the fight. You can have no opinion on basic rights. If you not fighting for them, canada goose factory sale you fighting against. This kind of lazy, inconsiderate apathy is exactly how this kind of law gets in in the first place. cheap canada goose In fact I really would rather this law not be passed. I had discussions about it with many of my fiends. I do not, however, discuss these things on Reddit My point was not that I don care about the issue. My point was that I am not here to discuss that issue. canada goose outlet online uk I here to discuss Tim Cooks place in another states law making.