“I would like to identify with her sometimes

Party Supplies
R $ 40
Rio de Janeiro

Need some traditional homemade candy for your party?

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I work with size 5 and schedules made on payment of 50% of the value of
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Promotion valid for scheduling done until 05/08 and parties until December of
R $ 40, 00 100 units and 300 units for only R $ 100,00
Traditional Flavors:
– Brigadeiro
– Brigadeiro branco
– Beijinho
– Cajuzinho
– Bicho de Pé (strawberry)
– Brigadeiro de Queijo
– Brigadeiro de peanut

R $ 50,00 100 units and 300 units for only R $ 140,00

Special flavors:
– Brigadeiro of milk nest
– Casadinho
– Casadinho (chocolate / strawberry)
– Brigadier prestige
– Italian straw
– Brigadier of pineapple with coconut
– br> R $ 60,00 100 units – Gourmet flavors:
– Brigadeiro de paçoca > – Brigadier of milk nest with m & m’s
– Brigadeiro with lemon pie
– Brigadier white with m & m’s

Brigadeiro Ovomaltine
– Brigadeiro with grape surprise
Brigadeiro Cheese with guava (new) br> – Brigadier of nutella (new)
– Brigadier of colorful (rolled in mini confetti) (new)
– Brigadier of passion fruit (new)
– Brigadier of peanut (rolled in peanut)

Replica Hermes Belts Today’s lunch menu @ J&A Snackette:

Salt fish $9/$13
Curry mutton $9/$14
Stew chicken $9/$13

Potato stuffing
Rice & peas
Sweet potato
Green salad
Coconut dumpling






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